Spring is in the air. I can feel it, but I can also see it. Green shoots from my daffodils are peeking out of the mulch and the unseasonably warm days are teasing me with sunshine and the sounds of birds in my backyard. This is one of my favorite times of the year. I am so excited to open the windows in order to air my house out after a much colder winter than I have experienced in a long time. It means I can listen to the birds sing, and take in all of the sweet, fresh fragrance of earth heated by the sun. While there are still cold days ahead of us, I’m thrilled with this turn in the weather and its effect on everything.
I look at Spring as a way of shaking off the doldrums of life. While many people start off the year with resolutions, I think Spring is the time when I really focus on self-renewal. The longer days are infused with warmth and golden sunshine. We open our homes, dust off the cobwebs, and dig into the damp, warm soil to cultivate life.

Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash
To help with the great Spring renewal, I also clean. Let me rephrase that, I clean like my life depends on it. Imagine me buzzing about the house, dusting, and scrubbing without a care in the world. After a winter enclosed and summer waiting just around the corner with its oppressive humidity, this is my chance to set everything to rights, long before I want to do nothing more than lounge on the porch with a hand-held fan and a glass of sweet tea. Leave no dust bunny undiscovered, no floor unswept.
Spring is a time for rain boots, daffodils, cherry blossoms, brightly colored fingernails, buzzing bees, bunnies hopping to and fro, and a sense of revitalization. My soul sings the sounds of spring, off-key, but enthusiastically.

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash
Are you ready for spring? Here’s a Spotify playlist that I use when cleaning. Enjoy!